Shopping Boost by Twenga
Twenga's machine learning platform will supplement your current Shopping Ads strategy
How can Twenga supplement your current Google Shopping strategy?
Since September 2017, Google now allows other product search engines and price comparison sites (so-called Comparison Shopping Services or CSS) to appear on Google Shopping on retailers' behalf. Twenga was one of the first true price comparison services to gain access to this distinction.
In May 2018, Twenga becomes a Google CSS Premium Partner, the highest qualification that Google grants due to its proficiency in data management, technical competence and experienced staff
June 2017
Google fined by the European Commission for unfairly promoting its Google Shopping service
September 2017
Los CSS como Twenga tienen ahora acceso a Google Shopping vía un sistema de pujas.
May 2018
Twenga becomes a Google CSS Partner Premium
September 2019
Twenga takes advantage of its mature machine learning bidding platform to launch its Shopping Boost Solution dedicated to all ecommerce players in the EU
How does it work?
...but what makes Twenga truly special?
Google CSS Premium Partner
La calificación más alta otorgada por Google y el único Servicio de Comparativa de precios verdadero en el mercado que ofrece soluciones smartbidding desde 2006
Una tecnología fuera de serie
Una tecnología de IA única en el mercado, consolidada tras más de 10 años de desarrollo, que predice la conversión y enriquece tu feed
A supplementary and risk-free campaign
- Keep your existing account, campaigns and contacts at Google
- No access to your account or data needed
- Maintain your visibility and Quality Shopping Score
Incremento tanto del alcance como ventas sobre una base ROI definida
Expande tu campaña directa y reduce tu CoS a escala
Adaptación total a su estrategia
Let us know your KPIs and budget and our solution will converge towards these targets.
Easy monitoring of a global performance
Our Twenga portal and a dedicated account manager will assist you alongside your Google contact
No additional fees
- Sin gastos de lanzamiento:
- No min term
- No flat service fee
- You can leave any time
Straightforward integration with our Tag on Google Tag Manager
You just need to import the GTM template that we’ve designed for you.
We'll promote your Shopping ads across 8 locations in Europe
Get in touch today
Contáctanos ya y disfruta de los servicios Twenga Premium CSS. Aumenta tu visibilidad y tus ventas con la plataforma de machine learning de Twenga.